Register your boat

It’s not compulsory to register your boat but certainly a smart move. Both new and pre-owned boats can be entered in the shipping register at the Cadastre.
Registering your boat offers you various benefits, including having undeniable proof of ownership. If you’re buying a registered boat you’ll have to visit a notary who is licensed to arrange a deed of delivery. HISWA-certified brokers can assist you with this process.
Within three months of registration your boat will be given a clearly visible ‘branding’ from the Cadastre. The registration number is usually carved onto steel boats while polyester boats are provided with an irremovable registration plate. Registration always includes a letter indicating the type of boat involved.
- Z for seagoing vessel (zeevaart)
- B for inland shipping vessel (binnenvaart)
- V for fishing vessel (visserij)
Most boats are registered under category B but if you are planning to visit ports outside of the Netherlands it may be useful to categorise your boat under Z.
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Lower your risk from damages, loss or theft? Get a good insurance policy.

Need some financing to buy your boat? HISWA-certified yacht brokers can help you choose the right type.