Zeiltjalk 16.30

€ 49.500,00 VAT included
  • Status:Available
  • Manufacturer:Zeiltjalk 16.30
  • Category:Flat and round bottom
  • Build year:1896
  • LOA:16.30 x 3.68 x 0.90 m
  • Air draft:2,20 m alles plat m
  • Hull construction:ijzer/staal
  • Engine manufacturer:Ford Lehman 85 pk, 62 kW PK
  • Vessel lying:Haarlem


Former inland waterway cargo vessel that has been converted into a recreational vessel. The vessel is equipped with a deckhouse with a head room of approximately 1.84 m. The galley with dining area is located in the cabin. Following the salon, the owner's cabin with a double bed and a spacious bathroom with electric toilet and sit bath. The forecastle is equipped with a double bed and a single bed, ideal as a guest cabin or as sleeping accommodation for (grand)children. In the engine room there is an 85 hp diesel engine that provides the propulsion. The ship is insulated, which makes her, in our opinion, suitable for a long stay on board.

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  • Dimensions
    Lengte 16.30 meter
    Breedte 3.68 meter
    Diepgang 0.90 meter
    Doorvaarhoogte 2,20 m alles plat meter
  • Build
    Bouwjaar 1896
    Dek en opbouw materiaal ijzer/staal
    Waterverplaatsing 42 ton
    Kiel/zwaard 1x Bankirai houten zijzwaarden, 1x eiken houten zijzwaarden, 2x handmatige zwaard bediening
    Werf Scheepswerf van der Werff, NL-Bergum
    Rompvorm platbodem
    Rompmateriaal ijzer/staal
    Rompkleur witte romp, witte opbouw, enig achterstallig onderhoud, laatste onderwaterschip behandeling (2020)
  • Galley
  • Motor
    Drive type 3 blads schroef, vetgesmeerde schroefas
    Cylinders 4
    Gearbox Velvet hydraulisch
    Merk Ford Lehman
    Vermogen 85 pk, 62 kW
    Draaiuren onbekend
    Brandstof diesel
  • Tuigage
    Winches 2x zeillier met 2 rollen
  • Electronics

Flat bottom boats for sale in the Netherlands

The historic appearance of the flat-bottomed boat is, among other things, what makes it so special. As the name implies, a flat bottom has a flat bottom that has no or almost no keel. The sailing yacht often has side swords, which is what makes it so characteristic. The boats are ideal for charter sailing and are also widely used in the Netherlands. But the flat-bottomed boats can also be used well for pleasure craft or as a houseboat.